Delete Ad ‘Learn More’ Content

Ad Manager is a feature of SocioMee  – a social community app – that allows users to create, manage, and delete ad campaigns. When a user chooses to delete an ad campaign, they can do so with just a few clicks.
  • Selecting the Ad Campaign: The user can quickly select the ad campaign they want to delete by clicking on the “Delete” button located at the top right of the ad campaign page.

  • Confirming the Deletion: The user will then be prompted to confirm the deletion of the ad campaign. Once the user confirms the deletion, the ad campaign will be permanently deleted from the app.

  • Viewing Deleted Ads: The user can view any deleted ad campaigns by going to the “Manage Ads” page and selecting “Deleted Ads” from the drop-down menu. This will give the user a list of all the deleted ad campaigns.
Restoring Deleted Ads: If the user changes their mind about deleting an ad campaign, they can restore the ad campaign by clicking the “Restore” button located at the top right of the ad campaign page. The ad campaign will then be restored to its original state.

By using the Ad Manager feature, users can easily create, manage, and delete ad campaigns on SocioMee . Deleting an ad campaign is a quick and easy process that requires just a few clicks. In addition, users can view and restore any deleted ad campaigns with ease. With Ad Manager, users can manage their ad campaigns with ease and confidence.