UnBlocked User Learn More

In the dynamic world of advertising, sometimes you may need to make changes to your ad campaigns on the go. SocioMee’s AD Manager feature offers you the flexibility to delete running ads quickly and efficiently, ensuring that you have full control over your advertising strategy.

What is Unblocking on SocioMee?

When a user chooses to unblock someone on SocioMee, it will allow the previously blocked user to contact the user and access their profile, posts, and other information. This feature can be used to reconnect with old friends and family, or to simply give someone a second chance.

How Does Unblocking Work?

When a user blocks someone, they will be prevented from contacting the user or viewing their profile, posts, and other information. The unblocking feature allows users to choose a specific interval in which the blocked user can access their profile again. After a certain amount of time has passed, the user will be able to contact the user and view their profile, posts, etc. 

Why Should I Unblock Someone?

Unblocking someone on SocioMee is a great way to give someone a second chance. It can also help to reconnect with old friends and family who may have been blocked due to a misunderstanding. 

What Happens After I Unblock Someone?

Once a user has been unblocked, they will be able to contact the user and access their profile, posts, and other information. However, the user can still choose to block the user again at any time.